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Policies: Home and School Association

For a complete copy of the Foothill Adventist School Policy Handbook, visit the Downloads section.

The Home and School Association is a parent-teacher association responsible for planning programs that foster student growth and development. It also provides the basis for education to unite the endeavors of the home and school for the cause of Christian education. Its primary objectives are:

  1. To bring the home & school into harmony with the principles of Christian education in spirit, content, and methods.
  2. To work toward the end of enrolling every Seventh-day Adventist child in church school.
  3. To assist in providing special funding for equipment necessary to enable the school to meet its highest standards.
  4. To meet once a month during the school year.

Active support of this organization enhances its efforts to create a favorable liaison between the home and school for the benefit of your child.

Contribution through Your Involvement

It is mandatory that each family contribute ten (10) service hours to Foothill Adventist School. Service is a part of being Christian and certainly benefits you, your child and Foothill. We understand that many families work multiple jobs and it is difficult to serve more than one (1) hour per month. For those families unable to serve, a $70.00 contribution fee will be levied. At registration families can make service pledges in any of the following areas, or may devise their own way to serve Foothill:

  1. Room mother or father
  2. Field trip driver
  3. Chaperone on field trips
  4. Duplicating worksheets
  5. Grading papers/worksheets
  6. Carpentry/electrical/handyman
  7. Assembly presentations
  8. Cooking/baking/sewing for Home and School Functions
  9. Tutoring
  10. Reading
  11. Financial contributions


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