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Policies: Health and Nutrition

For a complete copy of the Foothill Adventist School Policy Handbook, visit the Downloads section.

Physical Examinations

A doctor's medical examination will be required for all new students, all Kindergarten students, and returning students in grades one, four, and seven. Results of these examinations must be submitted to the school by the end of August.


A state recognized form giving proof of compliance with immunization requirements must be submitted by the end of August for all students entering Kindergarten and first grade. All transferring students will be required to provide appropriate immunization records.


FAS, in cooperation with the Central California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists offers all its students a secondary insurance coverage. If a parent does not have a primary insurance carrier, the school insurance company will make payments according to its benefit limits. A copy of this policy will be made available at the request of the parents.

First Aid

When a student is ill or has been injured, the school staff will determine if minor treatment needs to be administered or if a parent should be contacted. The school maintains First Aid Kits in each room.

Emergency Treatment

The school will maintain a file with authorization for treatment by a physician in the event of an emergency. An ambulance may be called without prior consent from the parents if the parent cannot be reached in an emergency.


When a student becomes ill at school, the parent will be requested to take the student home. A child who is ill should remain at home until completely well for the good of the child and his/her classmates. Any student who is required to take medication during the regular school day as prescribed by a physician may be assisted by the school nurse or other designated school personnel if the school has on file the following:

  1. A written statement from such physician detailing the time schedules, amount, and method by which such medication is to be taken and,
  2. A written statement from the parent or guardian of the student indicating the desire that the school assist the student in matters set forth in the physician’ statement.


Students may purchase hot lunch tickets from the office. A ticket will be used in exchange for lunch. No money will be exchanged with the cooks for food.

  1. All food is to be eaten only at mealtime. A mid-morning snack will be allowed as long as it is healthful, i.e. - bagels, crackers, fruit, vegetables. No candy, cookies, cake, or chips will be allowed at snack time.
  2. It is requested that students not bring drinks with caffeine (such as coffee, iced tea, cola beverages), or any drink that lists caffeine as an ingredient.
  3. Foothill advocates the healthful benefits of a vegetarian diet, but only prohibits students using any form of "unclean" meat as listed in Leviticus 11. These include all pork products and shellfish like shrimp, clams, lobster, and squid.

Suggestions for your Child's Well Being

With sincere interest in your child's health and hygiene, we offer the following suggestions:

  1. Encourage your child to eat breakfast. Research proves that a wholesome breakfast improves performance in the classroom.
  2. Minimize television viewing by encouraging your child to read or spend time with recreation and studying.
  3. Take a shower or bath daily.
  4. Provide dental care and promote oral hygiene at home.
  5. Help your child develop habits of personal cleanliness and neatness.
  6. Give your child time to get adequate rest. This can be from eight to ten hours depending on the age of your child. A good test of adequate rest is how easily your child wakes up in the morning.
  7. Provide nutritious lunches and snacks, limiting the amounts of fat and sugar.


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