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Policies: Appearance

For a complete copy of the Foothill Adventist School Policy Handbook, visit the Downloads section.

Foothill Adventist School approaches a student’s appearance from a Biblical perspective. The practical application of these principles in clothing and appearance is intended to de-emphasize the love of self-display and pre-occupation with conformity to changing fads. While attending school at Foothill, students will wear uniforms that have been chosen with the following Biblical principles as a guide:

  1. Attractiveness.
  2. Modesty.
  3. Cleanliness.
  4. A clear distinction between the sexes.
  5. Simplicity.
  6. Neatness.
  7. Healthfulness.

It is the requirement of our school that all uniforms worn at FAS and any clothing worn at its related functions be neat, clean, modest, and attractive.


  1. FOOTWEAR: Socks must be worn at all times with shoes. No open-toed shoes or sandals.
  2. JEWELRY: All rings, earrings, ornamental bracelets and ornamental necklaces may not be worn.
  3. UNIFORMS: All uniforms worn must be neat, clean, and should not reflect any tears or excessive wear. They must be modestly fitted.
  4. HAIR: Extreme or bizarre styles in hair, including painted hair, are not permitted at the school. Hair length and appearance must reflect neatness.
    1. Boys & girls may not wear sunglasses or hats in the building.
    2. Dark colored fingernail polish is not permitted.
    3. Make-up must blend in with the natural flesh tones.

Dress Code Enforcement

If any question is called on a child's attire, they must appear before a Dress Review Committee consisting of a male and female teacher, and the principal. They will determine if:

  1. The student's attire is acceptable or not.
  2. If the student's attire is not acceptable, the student may be:
    1. Given a warning notice.
    2. Detained from classes until the problem is corrected.

All decisions of the Dress Review Committee will be final.

Lost and Found

Please help us return your child's misplaced clothing by labeling all of their removable outer garments on the inside tag.

A "Lost and Found" box is kept in the gymnasium. All articles found will be taken there, and may be claimed by their owners. At the end of each month, all items will be disposed of in the matter most fitting.


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