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5th & 6th Grade

Richard Morita (far left) and his class.

Welcome to the 5th and 6th grade class. My name is Mr. Morita and I will be your conductor on this excursion (11 years of experience, you're safe with me). This year's journey will take you to many destinations. We will enter a time machine that will take us to the year 3100 B.C. where the Narmer united the Egyptian country. We will visit Sumer, the cradle of civilization. We will find out that Alexander the Great and Christ's birth were predicted in the Old Testament.

Don't forget your permission slip because we will be visiting NUMMI, The Tech Museum, NASA Ames, Intel Museum, Milpitas Library, Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, explore the Sierra Nevada Mountains at Hume Lake for our week long science camp, just to name a few.

Grab your ukulele because we will be performing Christmas songs at a senior center and play for our chapel program. Try and join our elite 1,000,000 Word Club. Find out why a Hatchet and A Single Shard are so important, who Jeffrey Magee and Crispin really are and make and taste Grandma Torelli's soup.

You will get paid in this class! As well as get a job, build a home, get married, and have kids while playing our year long simulated game. You will build your own earthquake shaking table, become a published author, learn why DARE is so important, calculate the volume of a cylinder and find out that pi is more than just a delicious dessert. You will enter the Foothill 5th and 6th grade 2008 Summer Olympics and scale the highest peak in San Jose. Most importantly, find out who the real Creator is and share the love of God with.


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