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Policies: Discipline

For a complete copy of the Foothill Adventist School Policy Handbook, visit the Downloads section.

Self-government is the objective of discipline and Foothill Adventist School expects its students to strictly comply with the regulations it has adopted and to otherwise be models of Christian Behavior, both in relationship to the school and otherwise.

Each teacher, by virtue of his or her authority, will be granted the privilege of establishing and enforcing basic rules and regulations for the operation of the classroom in accordance with the philosophy and objectives of Foothill Adventist School and the policies of the Central California Department of Education. Failure of a student to comply with this standard of behavior will result in the imposition of appropriate discipline.

The overall goal of Foothill Adventist School in this regard is to work with parents in addressing success in life with the minimum discipline reasonably necessary. Some misconduct is so serious that it may lead to suspension or expulsion of the student.

General Rules of Conduct

  1. Respect for humanity, Reverence for God, and Responsibility for one’s actions are the three R's of a student's conduct at Foothill Adventist School.
  2. Students are asked to refrain from bringing the following items to school:
    1. toys (without prior consent of the teacher)
    2. chewing gum
    3. fireworks
    4. novels, fictional books, magazines, or other literature (without prior consent of the teacher)
    5. musical tapes or CD's (without consent of the teacher)
    6. playing cards
    7. radios, cassette or CD players, television sets, electronic games, or audio devices (without consent of the teacher)
  3. Conduct in the classroom should contribute to the learning environment, not detract from it.
  4. Students are to be in the classroom at the designated times of the schedule.
  5. Running is not permitted in the building, with the exception of PE class and recess in the gymnasium.
  6. Every time a student is sent to the Principal's Office, suspended from classes, or subjected to a disciplinary action by the Disciplinary Committee (consisting of the entire teaching staff), a letter or memo will be sent to the parent and kept on file at the school.

Damage to School Property

Parents may be held responsible up to a maximum of $250.00 for any damage to any school property that resulted from willful destruction or careless treatment by the student.

Corporal Punishment

No staff member at the school will be responsible for the administration of any form of corporal punishment.

Enforcement of School Regulations

As an ideal goal to be reached, we expect our boys to strive to be Christian gentlemen and our girls to be Christian ladies in their attitudes, conduct, and conversation. When a student makes a choice to violate school regulations and principles as outlined in the handbook, he/she must also assume the consequences for that choice.

Severe Discipline Procedures

  1. The first offense in the following areas may subject a student to serious disciplinary action by the Disciplinary Committee (consisting of the entire teaching staff) and/or the immediate dismissal from school:
    1. Willfully causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person.
    2. Possessing, selling, offering, arranging, negotiating, or otherwise furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object, or attempting to do so.
    3. Possessing, selling, offering, arranging, negotiating or otherwise furnishing, or being under the influence of alcohol, tobacco or other nicotine containing product, or any controlled substance, without a doctor's prescription, or possessing, selling, arranging, negotiating, or otherwise furnishing drug paraphernalia, or attempting to do any of the above.
    4. Committing or attempting to commit robbery, burglary, extortion, or theft, or receiving or attempting to receive any stolen property.
    5. Willfully causing or attempting to cause damage to real or personal property of others.
    6. Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
    7. Willfully disrupting school activities or otherwise defying the valid authority of administrators, teachers, supervisors, school officials, or other personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.
    8. Engaging in or conspiring to engage in hazing or any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any person.
    9. Serious or contained sexual or other harassment as defined in this school's harassment policies.
    10. Willfully engaging in the disruption of the school’s religious environment through negative comments or by negative attitudes.
  2. he first time a student is in violation of any of the regulations outlined in this handbook and is sent to the principal's office for discipline, at the least, the parents will be notified in writing.
  3. Any subsequent violations may result in a three-day suspension procedure.
  4. Repeated violations may lead to the expulsion of a student from school.

Suspension from School

When a student is suspended from school for serious or chronic misbehavior, he/she will not be permitted to make up any work missed during that suspension period except for major tests or projects, or as deemed fit by the teacher and principal. An out-of-school suspension for an incident will be no less than one day and no more than three days. Suspensions are documented in the student's school file.

Probationary Status

A student who has developed a record of disciplinary actions can be placed on a probationary status for a period of time. A student on probation can be expelled if he/she does not exhibit progressive measures toward correcting the problem(s) that led to his/her probation. A student on probation will meet with the principal weekly to ensure progress is being made on a Conduct Contract that will be set up at the time of probationary placement.


The most serious discipline action is the expulsion of a student. In matters involving the expulsion or potential expulsion of a student, the Central California Conference's expulsion guidelines will be followed. A copy of those guidelines are available upon request.

Sexual Harassment Policy

Foothill is committed to providing a school environment free from sexual harassment for all students. Incidents of harassment should be reported in accordance with these procedures so school authorities may take appropriate action. Students who sexually harass others are subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. Employees who engage in sexual harassment are subject to discipline up to and including termination.

Definition: Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances or requests and other conduct of a sexual nature which is offensive. It can be spoken, written, or physical behavior. It includes offensive pictures, graffiti and jokes and gestures.

If submission to offensive sexual conduct is made a condition of academic status, progress, benefits, honors, or activities it is prohibited sexual harassment. Sexual harassment also occurs when the offensive behavior or material creates a hostile school environment.

Reporting Procedures: Students who have experienced sexual harassment shall report the incident to school authorities as soon as possible. If the harassment is between students, the student shall report the incident to any teacher. The student may also report to the principal, vice-principal or counselor.

If the harassment comes from an adult, the student should report directly to the principal or another responsible adult.


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