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Foothill Daycare

Welcome to Foothill Daycare. We provide a safe, fun and challenging Before School, After School and Summer program. It is important for children to receive love, care and challenges in a stimulating and positive Christian atmosphere.

In our program your child will:

  • Be safe and under adult supervision at all times.
  • Have an opportunity to play in a Christian environment.
  • Be encouraged to work on their classroom assignments.
  • Engage in Arts & Crafts.
  • Creative play and learning.
  • Study Hall including library research.
  • Basketball, Baseball, Touch Football, Soccer, Videos, Kickball, Frisbee, Legos, Beach Ball, Jump Rope, Hoola Hoops and much more.
  • Exercise, Curriculum, and Games.
  • Computer play.
  • Biking, swimming, roller-skates/blades and visits to the park (summer program only).

Before/After School Program

Before School is $50 per month. After School care is $182 and includes Before School care.
Hours are:

Before School 6:30AM to 7:30AM
After School 3:30PM to 6:00PM

Important. Please pick your child up before 6:00PM. A $15 fee will be assessed from 6:01PM to 6:15PM. After 6:15PM a $1 per minute fee will be assessed.

Summer Program

Summer Program is $125 per week ($25 per day).
Hours are:

Summer Program 6:30AM to 6:00PM

Important. Please pick your child up before 6:00PM. A $15 fee will be assessed from 6:01PM to 6:15PM. After 6:15PM a $1 per minute fee will be assessed.


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