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Policies: Admissions

For a complete copy of the Foothill Adventist School Policy Handbook, visit the Downloads section.

Statement of Non-discrimination

Foothill Adventist School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Furthermore, this institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, athletic or extra-curricular programs.

The Admissions Committee

  1. The Admissions Committee will be composed of the principal (serving as chairman of this committee) and two members of the teaching staff. In the event that a unanimous decision cannot be reached, a member of the school board will be called upon to assist the decision making process.
  2. The responsibilities of the Admissions Committee will be to review names of students for admission purposes, their grades and progress, and to make decisions as to placement.
    1. One meeting will take place during the first week of March to review the names of all students currently enrolled at Foothill. At this meeting the committee will make recommendations regarding the re-admission of all current students. All parents affected by non-favorable recommendations will be notified in writing.
    2. Other meetings will take place following registration to review the names and records of new students registering for the current school year.
    3. The Admissions Committee will also meet as necessary to review new enrolling students or consider special cases.
  3. The Admissions Committee will also meet as necessary to review new enrolling students or consider special cases.


  1. Although our school is open to primarily Seventh-day Adventist young people, it is our purpose to admit other students who desire to develop a Christian character and support the philosophy and policies established by this school.
  2. A child entering kindergarten shall be no less than five years of age on or before December 5. A birth certificate will be required for verification. The applicant will be given a readiness evaluation, despite the age, to ensure that the child is developmentally ready for kindergarten.
  3. A child entering the first grade shall be no less than six years of age on or before December 5. Birth certificate or verification of kindergarten completion will be required.
  4. Foothill Adventist School has not been established for the purpose of offering special education, and we are therefore generally unable to accept students who have serious physical, scholastic, or behavioral problems. Consequently, the following screening procedure will be utilized in determining the eligibility of all new students.
    1. New students entering grades 2-8 must submit a recommendation form from the school that the child previously attended.
    2. A copy of the child's grades and/or progress report from the previous year must be submitted to the school.
    3. Students entering grades 4-8 will be required to also submit a copy of the most recent achievement test results.
    4. A testing time will be scheduled after the application has been submitted. The testing is to aid in determining the suitability of enrollment and to establish a foundation of understanding for a home and school relationship. Any documents you have that would help in proper placement of your child should be presented.
    5. An interview with the principal will be scheduled after the testing is completed.

Application Procedures

  1. A standard application blank may be obtained from the school prior to or on registration day. This form must be filled out completely and signed by both the parent and the student.
  2. All necessary records specified must be submitted within one week after registration day for review by the admissions committee.
  3. All financial obligations for entry as described in the Financial Section of this handbook must be met in order for a student to be considered as enrolled. A full refund, less a $40.00 processing fee, will be provided for all applicants that have not been accepted.
  4. New students will be accepted on a probationary basis for one month subject to review and confirmation by the Admissions Committee.


  1. To withdraw a student from Foothill Adventist School, a parent or guardian must notify the administration in writing 30 days prior to withdrawal.


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